Mastercard now requires all adult websites using their services to provide a content appeal process related to illegal or non-consensual content.
If you are a performer and you think that For The Girls has used non-consensual content submit an appeal via email. It will be responded to within 7 business days.
Contact: admin AT Include details of the exact content, the URL of the content, proof that you are in the content and your issue with it.
Your appeal will be processed by administrative staff who will check records on file and make a decision as to the validity of the complaint based on the information given.
In the unlikely event that the content is found to be nonconsensual or illegal, it will be removed immediately.
After the decision has been made, the user may appeal the decision within the next 24 hours. The appeal should set out why the decision is in error and provide any further relevant information as to the nature of the complaint. If an appeal is made the admin staff will again review all available information and notify the user within 7 business days.
Other Content Appeals: If you have been depicted in any content and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify us by sending an email to admin @ Give details as to the URL and the reasons why you want to remove the content. We will look into your appeal and make a decision within 7 business days