Great Reading
For The Girls gives you more! We know you want more than just photos and movies. That’s why we’re offering an entire women’s magazine for you to enjoy. Inside we have articles on sex, health and women’s issues, fascinating interviews and features, as well as informative and entertaining columns.
Feature Articles
Like any good magazine, For The Girls offers a variety of feature articles on topics of interest to women. Find out more about sex and sexuality, discover new ideas for the bedroom, explore the aspects of our sexual history, or engage with fascinating think pieces on sex, relationships, feminism and other women’s issues.
Your Health
Is the G-spot injection safe? What’s the deal with the HPV vaccine? Why aren’t jelly sex toys safe? How do you deal with thrush? Why do only some women have multiple orgasms? How can I boost my libido? Is the rhythm method a good idea? We look at a wide range of women’s health issues and give you vital facts and useful tips to stay healthy.
Real Life Stories
Our members contribute their own secret stories of sexual encounters and they definitely make for steamy reading! Our Wicked Ways column features real-life tales of erotic adventures along with the imaginative and rather filthy sexual fantasies of real women. Share amazing stories of affairs, male prostitutes and wild sex in public places as well as beautifully written descriptions of simple, loving sex. Or read private dreams of gang bangs, exhibitionism, voyeurism or even having a cock for a day. And we don’t ignore the funnier side of sex either. Our True Confessions column reveals amusing anecdotes about first times, best times or only times, erotic triumphs or fabulous sexual disasters.
Excerpt: Wicked Ways
I’m pleased to say that his lips were even better than I’d hoped – soft, wet and gorgeous. And, even better, he started to kiss me back (well, after the shock had worn off, anyway). Before long we were all over each other like hungry beasts. I was kissing his mouth, his chin, and his neck, salty with sweat…
Inside you’ll find a wonderful array of well-written columns, encompassing a variety of topics. Our columnists discuss their issues with style and verve, giving a glimpse into news and personal views. Navigate the emotional ins and outs of Finding Mr Right or discover the weird, the wacky and the downright hilarious world of Planet Sex. Follow Will as he offers a distinctly male point of view on all things sexual or find out how to pee standing up (among other things) via the warped feminist viewpoint of Smoking Brassieres. There’s lots of great reading to be had here.
Celebrity Columnists
As well as our regular columnists, we’re pleased to be able to offer contributions from well-known porn/sex personalities Tyler Knight and Jamye Waxman. In his engaging column, Tyler delves into the darker side of the porn industry, writing about his experiences as a porn star. His stream-of-consciousness and experimental style of writing make for fascinating reading that’s always rewarding. Sex educator Jamye Waxman features in her own selection of video reports, taking us behind the scenes at porn conventions, calendar shoots and even her own porn film. She also provides some fun interviews and great sex advice.
Movie, Book
and Sex Toy Reviews
We offer reviews of adult movies, books and sex toys. We concentrate on films that have been specially created for straight women and form opinions according to whether we think a movie will appeal to female tastes. You won’t find any “dirty raincoat” recommendations here. If it turns us off, you’ll know about it, and if its the best thing we’ve ever seen, we’ll let you know that too. We also check out the latest compilations of erotic fiction and put our bodies on the line in an effort to find the best and brightest sex toys for women. Our reviews are factual, honest and make for great reading.
Sex Advice
Our Sexpert column offers advice about every kind of sexual situation and discusses some of the wide variety of issues we encounter in our relationships and sex lives.
Excerpt: Butt Plugs?
I was in a sex shop with a friend of mine the other day and we saw this huge butt plug thing. It must have been as thick as my thigh, with a flange at the bottom. My friend said it was just a novelty thing, but now I’m wondering if there are actually people who could fit that into their asses. Is it possible?… (Read the answer inside)
Great Reading, Games and Fun
Beyond the regular columns, articles and reviews there’s a heap of other great reading to enjoy. Laugh at the senile ramblings of Grandma Scrotum as she dishes out her own unusual brand of sex advice. See the world from a man’s point of view as Luke gives advice on “guy stuff”: discover how to brew your own beer, compile a good toolbox or bully a sexist mechanic. And you can also indulge in a variety of fun stuff like games, puzzles, jokes, online polls and more.
Video Reports
A Closer Look
As well as written articles, For The Girls offers exclusive video reports and mini documentaries about sex-related events and happenings. These include on-the-ground reports from the Berlin Porn Film Festival, Slutwalk and presentations by adult filmmakers like Candida Royalle.
Quality Erotic Fiction and Audio Stories
There’s nothing better than erotic fiction to get the juices flowing. For The Girls features stories by some of the hottest erotica writers in the business, all beautifully written for a female audience. Enjoy well-rounded characters, unusual scenarios and – of course – steamy sex scenes that focus on a woman’s pleasure. Our short stories are smart, literate and guaranteed to get you hot. We offer a huge variety of exclusive content including the winners of our famous annual erotic fiction competitions.
Get a huge online magazine plus heaps of porn for women!