For The Girls has been offering quality porn for women since 2003. In that time, we’ve helped hundreds of people make extra money through affiliate sales.

Why Promote For The Girls?

Women enjoy porn just as much as men. Unfortunately, most porn STILL ignores female consumers. The language doesn’t speak to women and the content doesn’t focus on female experiences of sex. This means that women get frustrated… but they also are very happy when they DO find something they like.

For the past 20 years, For The Girls has been offering women quality porn that speaks to them. And our track record shows that women are very happy to PAY for porn when they know they are being heard and catered to.

By promoting For The Girls to your female surfers, you’re filling a gap and making the world a happier, sexier place for women.

CCBill is our trusted biller and our affiliate program is run through them. CCBill have been offering trusted billing and affiliate services for almost 30 years.

You can earn 50% of all sales you send using an affiliate URL. You also receive 50% of all rebills!

By signing up you agree to our affiliate terms and conditions.

Basic Affiliate Rules:

1. No spamming!

2. No advertising us using dodgy content (e.g. bestiality, child porn or with malware, nothing defamatory, nothing hateful).

3. You must be over 18.

4. All your content must comply with USC 18

5. Only use promo material authorised by us. Do not advertise other sites when using our promo material (e.g. hosted galleries)

6. Do not steal our copyrighted material or represent yourself as anything other than an affiliate.

7. Use respectful language when promoting For The Girls!

Here’s a selection of ad banners to use.

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